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I Cry in the Morning (a poem)


Updated: Mar 21, 2023

I Cry in the Morning

Whether you have a child who is an addict, or who has been lost to suicide, or both, you will appreciate this poem that sheds empathy on your pain. Remember to care for yourself and be strong for all those who need you even when you feel you can’t make it one more day. You are here to be strong for someone. It’s okay to cry in the morning, but you must keep moving forward.

I Cry in the Morning

I cry in the morning; that’s when there is time,

To mourn for the child I once knew as mine.

As time has passed I still cry for your choice,

A game of chance in a world full of noise.

Just know that I’m here for you, body or soul,

Though the innocent child I knew is no more.

The memories used to haunt me, but now I can smile,

Knowing I got to hold you awhile.

I cry in the morning, I suffer every day,

You decided to leave us and go away.

Your story may inspire someone still living

Though empty inside, they might find a way to keep giving

Your shell may be walking, an addict inside,

Or you may have chosen to end your life.

For the parents with loved ones struggling deep,

Just hold your baby and allow them to weep.

Whether in body, mind, or soul,

Your loved one is with you, wherever you go.

The kindred spirit once full of life,

Can be restored from the hell, desperation, and strife.

I cry in the morning before the world is awake,

Wondering what new challenges this day will make.

I cry in the morning and run the rest of the day,

Falling exhausted at night, come what may.

I cry in the morning.

Would you like to share your story of survival as an addict, a suicide attempt, or as a parent, friend, or relative or someone? Contact me to send your story in for review. You may write steps to survival, tips to keep moving, or share an actual story, etc. contact us anonymously.

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